Personal Injury Blog
The Relationship Between Buses and Pedestrian Accidents
Accidents involving pedestrians and buses may occur due to a combination of factors, such as limited visibility for bus drivers, pedestrian negligence or distraction, and challenges associated with la…
Filing Injury Claims When Cell Phone Use Is Involved
Drivers must pay attention to the road at all times because it only takes a moment of distraction to cause a tragic accident. That’s why it’s against the law to use a handheld device for texting, talk…
Seatbelt Law & How it Can Impact Your Personal Injury Claim
The single most important thing you can do to keep yourself and your passengers safe is to make sure everyone is wearing a seatbelt. In Arizona, it’s also the law. If you get pulled over, the driver m…
Do GoFundMe’s or Other Fundraisers Affect My Injury Claim?
Medical debt is a huge problem in this country. Millions of Americans are saddled with overwhelming medical costs, and every year, hundreds of thousands of people are forced into bankruptcy because th…
Preventing Dog Attacks in Phoenix
Phoenix is a great town for dog-lovers, with plenty of places to play: Cesar Chavez Dog Park, Esteban Park, Hance Dog Park, Paradise Valley, Deer Valley, Deem Hills Park, and more! But according to th…
Crosswalks and the Right of Way for Pedestrians
Arizona has many cities, towns, and communities, from bustling metropolises like Phoenix and Tucson to college towns and tourist destinations. These population centers are the locations of heavy traff…
The Role of Expert Witnesses in Injury Cases
Expert witnesses play a crucial role in personal injury cases, helping to navigate the complex legal and factual issues that arise. They are individuals with specialized knowledge, skills, training, o…
How Teslas and Other Electric Vehicles Threaten Buildings
When electric car batteries explode or catch on fire, the danger to vehicle occupants is extreme. Those who are present in nearby buildings may also be at risk. Defects and issues with electric vehicl…
Arizona Shouldn’t Follow Texas’s Anti-Water-Break Actions
Texas eliminated mandated water breaks for construction workers by passing House Bill 2127. The bill was approved by the legislature, signed by the governor, and will go into effect on September 1, 20…
Phoenix Renters Are Raising Unlit Courtyard Safety Concerns
Inadequate lighting on a property can lead to serious accidents and invite crime. Tenants of a Phoenix apartment complex have complained that multiple courtyard lights have been out for weeks, despite…
Can a Lack of Safety Gear Count Against an Injured Runner?
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Arizona ranked sixth on a list of states with the highest pedestrian accident rates. In a state that is considered one of the m…
July 4th Dangers and Safety Tips
The fourth of July is the time to celebrate our nation’s independence. Many Americans spend this holiday with family and friends at the beach, on the water, or with a backyard barbeque. Wherever Indep…
A Comprehensive Guide to Truck Blind Spots
Every enclosed vehicle has blind spots, but they are particularly large on big rigs. This is because truck drivers sit much higher than drivers of passenger vehicles as the vehicles are extra-long, wi…
The Injury Dangers Associated with Jet Skis
Jets skis and other types of personal watercraft (PWC) are loads of fun. But they travel very fast and they can be difficult to maneuver. When PWCs aren’t used properly, serious injuries and death may…
When Trucks Should Use Runaway Truck Ramps
Like most people, you’ve probably noticed the yellow signs along hilly mountain roads that say, “Runaway Truck Ramp.” You may have also seen the ramps that veer upward along the side of a downhill-slo…