Catastrophic Injury Certified Specialist

Catastrophic Injury Victims Require Certified Specialist in Injury and Wrongful Death Law

Arizona families who choose lawyers for a loved one who has sustained a catastrophic injury must be very careful with regard to the attorney they choose. It is very important that when a loved one has had a life changing injury that an experienced lawyer be chosen to represent the injured individual and the family. Any lawyer can practice personal injury and wrongful death law in the State of Arizona. When searching for an attorney for such injuries, it is our opinion that it is important to hire a certified specialist or lawyer who can demonstrate extensive skills and experience in this area of law.

In every state there is a State Bar. In Arizona, it is called the State Bar of Arizona ( The State Bar of Arizona aims to serve the public and to enhance the legal profession. The State Bar of Arizona sets out to achieve their goal to enhance the legal profession by promoting legal competency, ethics and professionalism. It is common knowledge that lawyers do not have the greatest reputation with the public; however, lawyers are needed to fight the insurance companies and obtain fair settlements for those who have been seriously injured or killed by the negligence of another individual.

The State Bar of Arizona certifies attorneys as specialists in eight different areas of law. Those eight areas are Injury & Wrongful Death litigation, Bankruptcy, Criminal, Estate & Trust, Real Estate Taxes, and Workers' Compensation. In order to become a certified attorney, the attorney must be practicing law for at least 5 years, be admitted to the State Bar of Arizona for the two years preceding the submission of the application; practice in the submitted area for at least 50% of his/her practice, and pass a rigorous written examination. Also required are endorsements from other lawyers and Judges whom the attorney has gone before in Court.

Representation for Seriously Injured Clients

As a certified catastrophic injury attorney in Phoenix, Mark Breyer understands that the stakes are high for attorneys who are representing injured plaintiffs. Victims of catastrophic injuries and their families face many legal issues and medical issues. Those who have suffered these losses often face lifelong medical care costs, custodial care expenses, loss of wages, loss of consortium for the family, and so many other things that are affected because of the negligence of a third party. The results of the personal injury claim for a seriously injured individual and their family can make the difference between being able to afford the best lifelong medical care and being given limited medical help.

As experienced Phoenix injury attorneys - including Mark who is a certified specialist in injury and wrongful death law, we understand that an injured plaintiff relies heavily on us as their lawyers. When helping clients with serious permanent injuries, we are not only concerned with the client's current injuries, but also how that is going to impact their life for the future as well as their spouse, children's lives, or parents lives, whatever the case may be. A lawyer has to know to look into the future costs of medical care, what type of medical care is needed for the person who is severely injured, the help that the individual will need, what help the spouse will need, the lost wages that will be incurred - past and future - and all sorts of other areas of damages, as well.

In doing this, we rely not only on our own legal knowledge from being serious injury and wrongful death attorneys in Arizona, but also on medical and vocational experts we hire to testify at trial. Medical and vocational experts at trial work with us to determine the amount of lost wages and the amount of future medical care that is needed. Knowing that a accident attorney who is handling a catastrophic injury case in Arizona is experienced and knows the best medical and vocational experts that can be trusted is a necessary for any lawyer helping people after serious injury. It is the combination of the lawyer's legal knowledge and expertise with the communication of the experts that allow the lawyer to go in front of the jury and ultimately ensure the person who has suffered unnecessarily will be awarded a fair verdict.