Carnival Ride Accident

Advocating for Carnival Ride Injury Victims

Along with games, food, and exhibits, carnival rides are a popular diversion at amusement parks, carnivals, and fairs. Although they can be great fun for couples and families, these rides are not always safe. You may have a claim for compensation if you or a loved one has been injured on a carnival ride.

How Can People Be Injured on Carnival Rides?

In a recent year in the U.S., an estimated 21,319 injuries occurred with amusement park attractions, including rides, as reported by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Accidents and injuries on carnival rides can happen on diverse types of rides:

  • Fixed ride injuries: This type of ride is often found at amusement parks and theme parks. Fixed rides are built into the ground permanently and not intended to be moved from one place to another. As structures designed to remain in one place, fixed rides are typically larger and reach greater heights, allowing for faster, longer, higher rides. A person dropped from a greater height can suffer serious or fatal injuries in a fall.

  • Moveable ride injuries: Moveable carnival rides are often found at carnivals, festivals, and fairs. They are designed to be set up for an event, then taken down and moved to another location. Moveable rides can be improperly set up or damaged during a move. This can lead to equipment failure and serious injuries.

What Are Common Types of Carnival Ride Injuries?

Mechanical failure, improper operation, faulty design, and other factors can contribute to carnival ride accidents. Commonly sustained injuries in this type of accident include:

  • Fractured bones: Falls from heights, slips, and rough rides can cause broken wrists, arms, and legs.

  • Traumatic brain injury: Gravitational forces of some high-speed carnival rides can cause concussion or traumatic brain injury. When a ride causes a person’s head to move abruptly or slam into objects, it can cause trauma to the brain.

  • Whiplash: Fast rides, such as roller coasters and spinning rides, and even bumper cars, can cause the head to jerk back and forth rapidly. This can damage soft tissue in the neck and back, leading to whiplash.

When Disclaimers Do Not Factor Into a Personal Injury Claim

Carnival tickets usually have disclaimers stating visitors absolve the carnival of liability upon entrance. A person voluntarily participating in an inherently dangerous activity is said to be assuming the risk associated with that activity. This is not a blanket defense, however, as patrons may not be aware of all the risks when they go on a ride. A person injured on a carnival ride may have a claim based on negligence or product liability.

  • Negligence: If injury was caused by inattention or carelessness of carnival or amusement park employees, an injured party may have a claim based on negligence. Establishments can be found negligent for failing to regularly inspect or properly maintain equipment, improper ride operation, failing to properly train operators, and failing to post clear warnings of the risks involved.

  • Product liability: Defects in carnival rides or their component parts can cause accidents and injuries. When equipment failure causes injuries, design or structural defects may give rise to a product liability claim against the manufacturer of the ride or its parts.

How Can a Lawyer Help After Carnival Ride Injuries?

Our premises liabilty attorneys at The Husband & Wife Law Team can investigate your carnival ride accident to determine liability and help you pursue a claim for full and fair compensation. Your damages may include medical expenses, lost wages, loss of future earnings, and physical and emotional pain and suffering. Call us to schedule a free consultation if you or your loved one has been seriously hurt in a carnival ride accident.